Monday, September 13, 2010

My first day of school ...

... and all I wanted to do was sleep! lol But despite that fact, it actually went pretty well. :) Thank God! My professor, as I have mentioned previously, is a wonderful lady and very compassionate. The students received me well, too. I exchanged emails and numbers with a few of them so I feel like I have a life-line now if I need help. :)

There were, naturally, language issues but I didn't cry or run out so we're doing good! :D We'll see how I feel next week after all the reading. ;)AHH!! I feel headaches coming on at the mere thought of it. But onward I march!

Btw, I'm multitasking ... using skype, yahoo messenger and blogging.

This was most definitely my lunch today. It's from a place called, "Mos Burger" which is supposed to be American food. Well, it kind of is in the sense that they are more expensive and that they sell salads and french fries! Actually, I was shocked to see that it looks like they also have criss-cross fries. So, I ordered beef and lettuce that came on, what I didn't know when I order it, rice patties! :) They were good but American places certainly don't offer rice "buns." lol

I picked up my student card today so I'm official aaaaand I can get into the library with ease.

I bought new headphones today!! I love the way they fit and I have no complaints about the sound quality. They are baby pink :)

On a super-possitive note, the internet down on the first floor is really fast which = easy adding of pictures to said blog.

After class, lunch and picking up my student card, I took a few pictures of the surroundings on my way home.

These are some rather large geese that I steered clear of:

Alright well that's about all I have to say at present. I'm going to take my tired self to get dinner and then I think it's going to be an early night. ^-^


  1. Hey Kate,

    Mos Burger is from Japan. You ate Japan's take on American food in Taiwan today. Multicultural lunch!

  2. hahaha. I didn't know that! lol too funny .. pretty multicultural indeed! It's name has the word, "burger" in it, but I don't think I actually saw any beef patties there ... lol Have you ever gotten one?
