Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Back in the saddle again ...

Ah Mr. Feeling of Shoulder to the Grindstone, how I have missed thee!! :) Today, I turned in my second paper of this week. In a weird and occasionally stressful way, it was kinda nice to write papers again. I guess once a student, always a student. :)

So now, I have calligraphy class tomorrow morning and then I need to watch a documentary in preparation for class on Monday and then I'm free for the weekend. :) Some sleeping and cooking is in order!!!!! And I'm looking forward to it with great anticipation.

Meanwhile, the butterfly notecards on my board are multiplying ... I think I'm halfway through them now. What a surreal feeling. I can't believe how incredibly fast time, and this fall, have flown. (For those of you who do not understand the notecard reference, I shall offer an explanation: My family sent me a package in which were a collection of notecards written by different family members. I get to choose one, in no particular order, to open on each Monday.)

I am excited about Thanksgiving! And Christmas! And yes, it's only just the beginning of November. But I look forward to the time of giving thanks and being with the ones you love and the ones who love you, in return. Sis. Bracken and I were talking about Christmas music and have decided that we shall begin playing it around the house as soon as they return. Have I mentioned I love Christmas music?? ~~

I called my Grandma for the third time since I've been in Taiwan, I think. As she is my only living grandparent by blood, I feel a certain feeling of responsiblility to keep in touch with her on a semi-freequent basis. Besides, when I'm at home, I usually call her several times a week, so only talking to her once or twice a month doesn't feel very frequent. All families have problems ... but I still love my grandma. That's what a family is ... its a group of people who are tied together with love through the thick and the thin, through the good and the bad, through the crying and through the laughing.

Anyways, it was a joy to call her and hear her whistling as she picked up the phone. :) She was whistling was, "Because He lives, I can face tomorrow" ...

1 comment:

  1. LOVE YOU . . . your posts continue to bless me, again and again! xoxox <3
