Monday, July 20, 2009

Randoness about Taiwan

It's a funny thing getting used to a new climate and a
new culture. There are definitely some challenges,
but it is also so much fun!

You begin to feel that you're growing accustomed to your
new environment when:

You walk outside of an air-conditioned class room
and into the shaded outdoors and it is a relief to
feel the warmth!

You know that it's warm outside, but you don't
realize that you're sweating until you take off
you shirt and discover a huge ring of sweat on
the top back.

You open your umbrella when in direct sunlight.
This category includes attempting to ride your
bike home, while holding your umbrella with one hand.

You begin to crave tea and fresh fruit juice. (and you
venture out to get some yourself because even with
your limited vocabulary, you learn to say, "One cup of
black tea with half sugar." You also learn to respond in
the affirmative if they ask you if you want a bag)
(Also included in this category is holding the juice with
either one hand or on your handle bars and drinking it
on your way home)

A classmate is speaking in Chinese during class time
and you think he is talking in English.

You can ride on the back of a scooter without holding
onto the person in front of you in fear. Also, you learn
to carry many things on the bike (flowers, groceries,
drinks, purses, backpacks, etc. [The really skilled ones
at bike/motorcycle riding carry things that would
blow your mind! It's crazy what they can get on a scooter!)

You carry your own set of chopsticks. (Pink ones from
Smokey Joe's no less!)

You get used to smiling at random people ... why? Because
they are staring at you. ^-^

You can recognize the sound of the garbage truck and you
don't automatically think, "the ice cream man is coming"

Ethan asks where you are when you don't go to Sunday
night service in KH. ^-^

You have your own pair of slippers and carry them in your
purse to church.

When your alarm goes off, you get up, turn your water heater on
and get back in bed for another thirty minutes.

You can go a whole meal (or at least most of it) without wiping
your mouth and you certainly don't put the hand you're not
presently using on your lap. LOL!

You never set your bag on the ground ...

You realize that you still have a long ways to go when
you do things like:

You try to stick a push pin in a wall that you
temporarily forgot was made out of concrete
and you think it's just because you're not using
enough force that it won't go it! You remember
pretty fast, let me tell ya. lol ;)

You think about skipping lunch for the reason that
you are hesitant to use Chinese to order a meal
because it is generally more complicated than simply
ordering a beverage.

You eat at 7 eleven (you might get yourself slapped by
the girls if you do this said thing)

Alright, that's all I can think of right now.

See ya later! God bless!



  1. Great FYI! I love your blogs. Makes me feel like I am really learning about the country & culture of Tawain.

  2. hehe :) I'm glad that you are liking it. I enjoy writing this stuff down so I won't forget it over the long-haul. This blog is pretty much in place of a diary. :D

    How did it go this Sunday with JAMS?
