Saturday, September 18, 2010

Night market!!

Tonight I finally got to go to a night market. haha :) I haven't been to one since I've been here this time. After prayer meeting and deciding that it's too dangerous to have service tomorrow due to the typhoon, the six of us went to the night market.

I ate some things that are like small potstickers and some more tian-bu-la! :) I love that stuff way too much! It is not really healthy for you in any way that I can think of. Anyways, long story short - I bought a watch! :) It's simple and cute-ish, so I'm happy. I'll post pics later.

I've been hoping to post more detailed and have pictures to show but that hasn't happened the last few days. Tomorrow!!! :)

Anyhow, it's 2am here and I need to get some shut eye. Don't forget to pray for Taiwan, especially the mountain areas! They seem to encounter the worse difficulties during typhoons.

OH! One more thing ... I was on the phone with Hanyen tonight because she called Alisha while Alisha was driving .. so naturally I answered ... anyways, she told me that they are blaming the typhoon on me!! haha Because last year when I was here, we had that huge Typhoon Morakot, and now, here I am again and we're expecting another huge storm. Those girls are too funny!

Okay, goodnight to all. :)

1 comment:

  1. come you didn't post about the man who sold you your new watch???!!!!??? hahaha! Oh, sorry. Regaining composure. :P Love you, Tuna! x0x0x
