Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Luggage Straps!

I bought luggage straps today that look just like the one in the above picture. (Two of them to be precise.) That was one more thing off of my list! Also, went to CVS and picked up a few more items that I was able to check off my list.

This afternoon was quite lovely as I went back to my former community college and visited with professors I dearly miss. They are so special to me! Being back on campus feels home-like, even with the new construction. I think I could traverse it blindfolded!

As a side note, I think I've eaten more white rice in the last two weeks than I have in my entire lifetime! That is not a bad thing, just a random fact because I was thinking about dinner. Since I'm on a side-note kick, have I mentioned that I love asparagus!?!?

So tonight when I got home, I was delighted to find that the skirts I ordered online had arrived! Cute cute cute! After all the excitement, I went to my room to start sorting my toiletries. Progress was made, but the project wasn't completed. I'll work on it more tomorrow. Today, I also started setting aside clothing that I am sure I want to take with me. That way, things will be easier for me when I begin packing it in like puzzle pieces!

Well, I need to hit the sac ... the next two days are going to be fairly busy. I'm hoping to have most, if not all, of my packing done my Wednesday night.

Until later ~ k


  1. Kate!! I am so excited to hear that you are going to be coming back to Taiwan!! When do you arrive? I can't wait to see you and I am sure that Ethan will be happy to have his "girlfriend" back.

  2. Tiffany!! :) I'm so excited to be coming back! And I can't wait to see you, too! I'm in the HK airport right now and should be in Taiwan in no more than 5 hours. I'm going to Taichung to get settled into school but I'm hoping to have a week or so to visit before school starts on the 13th or 15th.
