Tuesday, August 31, 2010

More from HK

So I made it through check in and security very quickly, praise God! :)

The fog/smog is pretty thick this morning but I can see the outline of the beautiful mountains that surround the airport now that the sun is up.

Did I mention that there is a pretty good amount of white people here? haha It's kinda weird ...
I was able to get one of the white people to pose for a picture for my blog. Here it is:

Here is the plane I'm boarding in just a few minutes ....

Well, I have one more short flight and then its on to TAIWAN! :)

See ya on the other side!

P.S. I failed to mention that when we stepped off the plane in HK this morning around 5:30, it was already approximately 86 degrees Fahrenheit. :)

1 comment:

  1. Glad you made it safe :) love following the blog. Love ya and miss ya. Talk to you soon.

