Tuesday, July 14, 2009

honk BEFORE you almost take my leg off, please

lol Okay, so today I was on my way home from school ... I was on Da Xue Lu 大學路 right before you turn left on Lin Sen Lu 林森路 and I had things from 7 eleven in the basket on the front of my bike. There was not too much traffic at this particular time, on this particular stretch of the road .. all of the sudden, I hear a quick honk and simultaneously, a taxi goes wizzing by me, rather close like I might add. lol Not only was there room for the taxi to scoot a little over to the left, so as not to drive so close to me, it also would have been beneficial if he had actually honked when I could do something about it. Honking at me while he's driving by is likely to scare me and cause more of an accident than if he had just gone by without the little announcement. Anyways, maybe he was trying to see if I was wearing perfume or something. (News flash: I wasn't) ;)

Thanks be to God for His safety!

P.S. In case any of you were worried about the safety of the basket contents, I'm happy to report that my slurpee did NOT spill! :)

My bike :) My lovely teacher, Jennifer, loaned it
to me.

This is one of the History buildings.
However, there are over 300 students this
summer so there is not enough space in
the main language building to hold all of
the classes. My first class every morning
is in this building. It's such a neat looking

Last week, Friday I think, I saw a couple here
getting wedding photos taken. Her dress was a
beautiful shade of purple and looked really
great next to this building.

NCKU is very large and has about nine campuses.
My campus is Kung Fu campus :) This is the view
when I'm on my way out. Up ahead and to the left
is a post office and then the gate. Right across the
street from the gate is a 7 eleven. However, if you
forget to stop as you leave, never fear! There is
yet ANOTHER seven just a short ways up, on that
very same road. ;) lol

This picture was taken just to the viewers right of the
above picture.

This was an experiment for me for two reasons ..
1. My first slurpee in Taiwan 2. I mixed a lemon-lime
with Coke .. I think I would do them both again. :D


  1. This is such a beautiful campus.

  2. We love you, Katelyn, and are excited about what you are allowing God to do with your life!

  3. Sheila, yes it really is! I love all of the foilage! Bro and Sis Brown, I love you too! Thank you for supporting me in this journey!
